A Career With Us
Management Trainee
Position Available
Candidates with good decision making skill, management abilities and straight communication are welcomed to the position.Eligibility criteria for the position is graduation in / BBA with age less than 27 years on or before 01 April 2024.The position involves business development skills and scientific management strategies to enhance and empower the growth of Allied Enterprises.

Accounts & Finance Manager
Position Available
Candidates with good analytical and mathematical skills along with extreme knowledge in GST and accounting software skills are welcomed to the position.Eligibility criteria for the position is MBA in Finance Management with adequate experience in any reputed firm for 3 years, the candidate should also satisfy an age of 38 years on or before 01 April 2024.The position involves input output money flow accounting, monthly finance accounting, financial year accounting, tax accounting, team leading and accounts software handling with attractive packages.

HR Manager
Position Available
Candidates with good problem solving skills, leadership qualities and attractive personality are welcomed to the position.Eligibility criteria for the position is MBA in HR Management with adequate experience in any reputed firm for 3 years, the candidate should also satisfy an age of 40 years on or before 01 April 2024.The position involves team leading and motivating large groups to satisfy and full fill the needs of our family members creating a healthy and happy atmosphere in our family for personal growth and professional growth of our family members.